Hidralia (who participates in Emasagra and Aguasvira) and the University of Granada agreed on November 11, 2016, the creation of the Hidralia Chair for Digital, Innovative, Social and Sustainable Water Management. The purpose of the Chair will be the establishment of a place entirely dedicated to research, training and dissemination in the field of integrated management of water resources, technology and environmental sustainability from a multidisciplinary perspective. This subjects are essential to face an adequate study of the challenges and difficulties that integrated management of water faces today. The collaboration agreement was signed by the Rector, Pilar Aranda, and the Territorial Director of Hidralia, Juan Carlos Torres.

The Chair of Digital, Innovative, Social and Sustainable Management of Water, will try to advance and deepen in the integral management of water in the area of multidisciplinary research. The chair will cover everything from sustainable use, to social use and the use of more advanced technology to issues that can even go to resource management.
With this action, sponsored by Hidralia, the University of Granada -in the School of Civil Engineering– will have a place dedicated entirely to research, training and dissemination of water resources management, technology and environmental sustainability from a multidisciplinary perspective.
This chair consolidates many years of work with the School of Civil Engineering that were already stable, but also aims to further expand and strengthen their links and demonstrate once again their commitment and contribution in terms of sustainable development. This recognizes the special environmental and social relevance of the management of the integral water cycle, while at the same time committing, within the scope of their respective competencies, to develop tools that improve the management of such a precious and scarce natural resource.
Hidralia, with its patronage, will finance the activities of the new Chair and provide the UGR with the documentation and information necessary for the development of the research activities. In parallel to this, it will support the completion of Final Degree and Master projects and Doctoral Thesis and will promote the employment of young students by offering internships in the company itself.